Join our online services
Who We Are
At Grace Generation Church, you can expect a place where love and grace are shown and received, a place where meaningful relationships are formed. Through contemporary worship and Biblical teachings that are relevant and practical, we pray that you would grow and experience the presence of God in your life. We look forward to meeting you and sharing our faith journey with you. Our services are in both Vietnamese and English.
Senior Pastors, Tien & Thu Nguyen

Hội thánh Ân Điển là nơi mà tình yêu thương cùng ân điển được chia sẻ và đón nhận, nơi mà các mối liên hệ mật thiết được thiết lập. Qua sự thờ phượng Chúa trong tình thần cởi mở, sự giảng dạy lời Chúa với ứng dụng thiết thực, chúng tôi tin rằng bạn sẽ tăng trưởng và kinh nghiệm sự hiện diện của Chúa trong đời sống mình. Chúng tôi rất mong được đón tiếp bạn để cùng chúng tôi bước đi trên hành trình đức tin. Giờ phượng Chúa của hội thánh được thực hiện song ngữ Việt-Anh.
Chúa ban phước trên bạn,
Mục sư quản nhiệm Hội Thánh Ân Điển
Tiến & Thu Nguyễn
Grace Generation Church (GGC) is a Spirit-led, contemporary, Bible believing church.
At GGC, we encourage people to exercise their gifts and talents to serve God, to serve each other and the community.
We are a young church that held the first meeting at pastors Tien and Thu Nguyen’s living room on 2nd March 2014 with 28 people attending. Many have become key members of our journey and future.
We are the first Vietnamese based church to be part of the Australian Christian Churches (ACC). A movement of almost 1100 churches and more than 250,000 believers across Australia.
With God’s grace and blessings, we will continue to grow strong and become all that God has called us to be.
By faith, we believe that greater days are still ahead of us.
What to expect
At Grace Generation Church you will find:
- A bilingual (Vietnamese-English) contemporary God honouring worship service.
- Bilingual (Vietnamese-English) faith filled and thought challenging messages based on the Bible.
- Good time of fellowship over coffee and food after the service
For you:
- Monthly LifeGroup where you can build friendships and find a place to belong.
- Opportunity for you to make a difference in other people’s lives by using your skills and gifts.
For your family:
- GenK Kids takes place during the main worship service for children aged 2 – 12
Giving is an act of worship and service, and God wants us to worship Him in all areas of our lives, including in our giving.
Your giving enables GGC to grow into the fullness of the plans and purposes that God has prepared for His church.
It empowers the church by providing the resources needed to facilitate the operations, activities, and growth in line with the vision that God has placed on the church leadership. If you regularly attend GGC we encourage you to invest in the mission of your local church.
You can give to GGC using bank transfer to the account details below:
Account name: Grace Generation Church
BSB: 083 437 | Account no.: 840 491 658
Tithes Offering can be done on Sunday or online through bank transfer throughout the week.
Seed Offering is a giving above and beyond your normal tithing. We put this money aside for future use instead of the day to day work of the church.
Please remember to indicate clearly in the envelope or the direct bank transfer description as “SEED OFFERING”.